BS EN 12811 part 1 2003 is current
BS EN 476 Part 7 has another standard EN13501. EN 476 will be withdrawn but we don’t know when. EN13501 is used in the European Union
BS EN 7976 has been withdrawn and superseded by EN16165 2021
BS EN 2482 2009 is still current
BS EN 16165:2021 Determination of slip resistance of pedestrian surfaces - methods of evaluation (Incorporating corrigendum February 2022)
BS 476-7 The British Standard that has dealt with the testing and measurement of combustibility of building materials. It measures the surface spread of flame of a material, grading the results from 1 at best to 4 at worst. Whilst still current, it is likely to be withdrawn in the future in favour of BS EN 13501 -1
BS EN 13501 -1 A harmonised European Standard that is approximately the equivalent of BS 476-7, but applicable across the European Union. It is a more. in depth test, measuring the material's performance in respect of combustion characteristics, flame spread, heat release and toxicity of smoke. Each aspect of performance that is measured receives its own classification. At present it may be used as an alternative to BS 476 until such time as the older British Standard is withdrawn.

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